Evaluation on Innovative Community End-of-Life Care Programmes
1. Clinical Data Mining on Medical Service Utilization of End-of-Life Patients in Hong Kong
In order to evaluate the impact of the innovative community EoLC programmes on the end-of-life patients, it is essential to capture a territory-wide scenario of the end-of-life patients in Hong Kong as a baseline for comparison. Thus, drawing data from the medical services administrative database of the Hong Kong Hospital authority, this study will summarize the medical service utilization of local end-of-life patients in their last 12 months of life and compare it with the medical service utilization of the patients who are served by the community EoLC programmes under the JCECC Project. Findings from this study will be disseminated in future.
2. Innovative Community End-of-life Care Programme Evaluation
Five NGO collaborators in the JCECC project, namely Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Haven of Hope Christian Services, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, St James’ Settlement, and S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church District Elderly Community Centre have launched innovative community EoLC programmes based on five different service models. The innovative community EoLC programmes aim to pioneer new services to empower the community infrastructure to offer EoLC and complement the existing service gap on hospitals and RCHEs, eventually promoting the quality of life of end-of-life patients, their family and caregivers. The JCECC, Faulty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong will evaluate the effectiveness of these innovative programme by examining the service impacts on patients, caregivers and volunteers. Findings from the study will be disseminated in future.